Marching for Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma is an incurable blood cancer that has effected our beautiful friend and his family. There is treatment out there that is showing very promising results not only with effectively beating the cancer but providing long term protection years after. This needs to be funded in order for the research not to come to a halt and with this funding the length of time for these treatments to become available in New Zealand will be shortened. Please help us raise money to assist in beating this b**** of a cancer. My Mum and I, will be walking 64km over March in support of Colin Macdonald. Friends, family and strangers are more than welcome to join us on these walks, I will be posting them on our blog as we progress. You can read more on Colins story here: Thank you.Celebrating my fundraising achievements to support life-saving research
Champion! You have started fundraising to support life-saving research.
Champion! You have started fundraising to support life-saving research.
Looking great, well done for updating your profile picture.
Looking great, well done for updating your profile picture.
Well done for sharing your page and kickstarting your fundraiser.
Well done for sharing your page and kickstarting your fundraiser.
Congratulations with reaching your first 5 donations!
Congratulations with reaching your first 5 donations!
Congratulations you're halfway to your target.
Congratulations you're halfway to your target.
Awesome you've reached your fundraising goal!
Awesome you've reached your fundraising goal!
Thank you to my Sponsors
Karyn Tennant
Olivia Phillipson
Proud of you both xx
Vicki Mcleod
Penelope Hobbs
Emma Mcelrea
Madawg and Kazza you legends! Looking forward to joining you on some walks.
Sophie Le Heron
You rock ladies ! What a great idea xx
Freddy Tennant
Go maddawg and kazza! Wish I could join, might have to do a walk over in Auckland! xx
April Bain
Amazing work team! Such a great cause xx