Ella-Rose Haig

March for Myeloma Join Us

Marching for Myeloma

My myeloma story

Celebrating my fundraising achievements to support life-saving research

Champion! You have started fundraising to support life-saving research.

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Awesome you've reached your fundraising goal!

My Updates

March for Myloema

Tuesday 15th Mar
Kia ora whānau, 

My beautiful best mate's dad was diagnosed a few years ago with multiple myeloma, a nasty cancer of the blood. 
More of Colin's story here https://donate.malaghan.org.nz/fundraisers/colinmacdonald/marching-for-myeloma?fbclid=IwAR2upUTRDuyoj-ctT_EiEGaSIKnjUPWoCnFP4BsWgRKC8uzWRLMflC_T0o0

The Malaghan Institute, based right here in Wellington, have some amazing research underway into a treatment for myeloma (and other cancers) called CAR-T Cell Therapy. This therapy is a kinder, gentler approach to treating cancer. While not currently available in NZ, it has shown promising results during trials and is already used extensively overseas with amazing results. 
To raise money for the Malaghan Institute to allow them to keep researching this treatment and hopefully make it available to people like Annie Feathers Dad.

I am late to the party.. by two weeks.. but will join taking part in the March for Myeloma. The aim of March for Myeloma is to walk or run in the month of March to whatever goal set to raise funds for the Malagan Institute. For the remaining 2 weeks of March I'll pound the paths and pavements to join the MacDonald whānau to reach 64km and join Annie Feathers on her 16km runs. 
There'll be updates on the March for Myeloma Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/marchformyeloma/ so you're welcome to give that a follow!

If you'd like to support - please donate what ever you can. Every little bit counts x 
Thank you to all my incredible supporters!


Hels And Muz

You go girl for such import research xx


Nola Turner

Go you good thing ❤️awesome reason for raising funds




Campbell Garry



Awesome work Ella!


Lily Maclean