Marching for Myeloma
My friend Ric’s dad (Colin) is leading the charge fundraising for this great charity and I want to do what I can to contribute to this cause so that he can continue to enjoy the company of his wife, his kids, his grandchildren and his wider whanau for years to come. I will be hitting the pavement walking with the family or taking our gorgeous yet insane springer spaniel for a run. Thanks in advance for your contribution!Celebrating my fundraising achievements to support life-saving research
Champion! You have started fundraising to support life-saving research.
Looking great, well done for updating your profile picture.
Well done for sharing your page and kickstarting your fundraiser.
Congratulations with reaching your first 5 donations!
Congratulations you're halfway to your target.
Awesome you've reached your fundraising goal!
Courtney Havill
On ya Alby
Sam Grant
Good luck Alby! Fantastic efforts 💙💛💙💛
Go Alby!!!