Your tax deductible donation will help our scientists develop better, kinder treatments for disease.

Only together, can we harness the power of the immune system and save lives. 

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Can help cover the day-to-day costs of essential laboratory equipment
Can help to accelerate the pace of research and discovery, bringing us closer to finding new, more effective solutions to diseases like cancer.
Can help bring discoveries made at the Malaghan Institute through to clinical trials where they have the potential to improve the lives of New Zealanders.
Can support a PhD student and foster the next generation of world-leading immunologists in New Zealand.

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  • Sally just donated $52.50
  • Katherine just donated $210
  • jacqueline just donated $105
  • Andrea just donated $105
  • Andrew just donated $52.50
  • Rachael just donated $262.50
  • Lavinia just donated $105
  • Susan just donated $52.50
  • Jane just donated $52.50
  • Richard just donated $52.50
  • Rosemary just donated $262.50
  • Paul just donated $250
  • Kenneth just donated $105
  • Doris just donated $520
  • Jenny just donated $500
  • Janice just donated $105
  • Vicki just donated $520
  • Rex just donated $26.25
  • Pauline just donated $105
  • Kathe just donated $262.50

Thank You! 

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, we’ve now used all our matched giving funds—every dollar has gone twice as far for life-saving research!

We’re incredibly grateful to everyone and a special thank you to our partner, Chubb Life Insurance New Zealand Limited, for matching donations up to $100,000.

There is still time to make a tax deductible donation before the end of the New Zealand tax year and help to make disease a smaller part of our lives. 

My name is Kjesten and I’m the new director of the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research.

I feel very strongly about the importance of creating new, safer, more effective treatments that bring dignity and hope to people’s lives. Whether that’s by offering relief to chronic conditions, preventing diseases from happening in the first place, or by treating otherwise fatal diagnoses, we need these breakthroughs today.

To me this is more than just a job, this is personal. 

Stories like mine and perhaps evens yours are why the Malaghan exists.

Our mission is to create a future with better, safer treatments for all. But we cannot do it without your help. 

In 2021 I lost my son Karl to cancer and along with him went a piece of me that I will never get back. There are no words to describe the pain of losing your child and of watching your remaining child suffer with the loss of her only brother.

The reality is that cancer and cancer treatment can be horrific. That needs to change. Not just for the sake of patients like Karl, but for the family and friends who have to sit by and watch their loved ones suffer.

Medical research is best chance we have to change the outcomes for the too many New Zealandlers affected by cancer and disease. But advancements in medical research – from fundamental discoveries to life-saving treatments – don’t come easily.

Medical research takes not only the bright minds that fill the Malaghan, but patience, persistence and sustained, reliable funding. 

All of us at the Malaghan have a clear vision of a world where diseases are prevented, treated and cured through harnessing the power of the immune system – but only with the support of our community can we make this a reality. How fast we can make breakthroughs happen, is up to incredible people like you backing us.

When you support the Malaghan Institute, you’re not just funding research, you’re giving New Zealanders hope – hope that loved ones like my Karl will have access to better, kinder treatments, that families and friends will have more time together, and that disease will one day become a smaller part of our lives.

Karl's last Christmas

Without research there is no cure to disease.
Without YOU there is no research. 

The biggest barrier to better treatments isn’t science, it’s funding.

Your donation today will help ensure our loved ones aren’t lost to diseases we have the power to fight.
Because no one wants to hear the words, ‘there’s nothing more we can do.
Immunotherapy is fundamentally changing cancer treatment for the better. 

This video shows the potent cancer-killing effects of CAR T-cells.

Every day, more than 60 people in New Zealand are diagnosed with cancer.

By training the immune system to better recognise and fight cancer we can create gentler, more effective treatments that last. Our research focuses on developing treatments that stimulate the immune system’s cancer-killing properties. We need your support to continue our research and pave the way for a new era in highly personalised, gentler treatments.

"If we want to bring new therapies to New Zealand we really need to make sure we have the right support to get them there. 

That means more fundamental research, more data, and – crucially – more financial support to really prove we are on to something."

Dr Olivia Burn

With your help, we can build a healthier, more resilient nation, where no one has to leave New Zealand for life-saving treatment.

$354,855 raised

$300,000 Goal

$354,855 raised

$300,000 Goal

Sally Berg

43m ago

Katherine McIntyre

2h ago

jacqueline blackwell

3h ago

Andrea Bremner

4h ago

Andrew White

5h ago

Rachael Martin

7h ago

Lavinia Cameron

9h ago

Susan Jenkins

12h ago

Jane Parson

12h ago

Richard Joyce

1d ago

Rosemary Capill

1d ago

Paul Ott

1d ago

Kenneth Hutchison

1d ago

Doris Manderson

1d ago

Jenny Morel

1d ago

Janice Staines

1d ago

Vicki Mc Leod

1d ago

Rex Ward

1d ago

Pauline Buys

1d ago

Kathe Huse

1d ago
If you would prefer, you can also donate via direct deposit in to our bank account 

Account Name: The Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

Account Number: 06-0507-0052635-30

Your reference: First name & Last name or supporter ID

If you donate via direct deposit, please email us with your details so we can send you a receipt.