Your legacy gift can help make disease a smaller part of our lives

Ways in which you can leave a lasting gift

Your gift is a special way to leave your own personal legacy that will live on and enable research and breakthroughs beyond your days.

If you decide to support the Malaghan Institute with a gift in your will, then the next step is to talk to your solicitor or a trustee company to ensure your wishes are properly recorded. They can provide specific advice on which options are best for your family and how to structure your will.


“After seeing my mother, close friends and other family members suffer from debilitating disease, I am leaving a gift in my will to the Malaghan Institute so that future generations can live longer, healthier and happier loves.”

Belinda M. 

Different types of gifts to consider

A residual gift  
a share or whole of your estate after providing for family and friends.
This is the best way to keep your gift to the Malaghan inflation-proof. It also means you don’t need to put a precise value to your gift.

A percentage of the overall value of your estate
this allows for growth or depreciation in the value of your estate

A specific gift or amount

You may choose to give a specific amount or particular item of value (stocks and shares or property for example) to the Malaghan in your will. 

Suggested wording to include in your will

To make sure the wording in your will accurately describes your intentions, we suggest including the following clause:

“I give to the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, (registered Charity Number CC10357)

  1. All of my residuary estate (OR)
  2. ____ % percentage of my residuary estate (OR)
  3. The sum of $ _____ (OR)
  4. [List asset or assets]  to be used for the general purposes of medical research by the Institute. I declare that the receipt of a Director of the Institute or other authorised officer will be a sufficient discharge to my executors who will not be bound to see to the application of this gift."

If you would like your gift to go towards something specific, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your wishes with you directly.  


We're here to help

If you would like to know more about including a gift in your will to the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, please get in touch with Georgia.

Philanthropy and Legacy Giving Specialist 
+64 27 308 8819

We would love to hear from you. Please complete the form and Georgia will be in touch with you as soon as possible.